If one wants to have a sado/masochist relation with a web site photo, then go and waste your money on the website "created" by ralf stelander and jacob jovelou : onexposure 1x.com
These guys and the so called screener and moderators not only have a very high opinion of themselves but they have developped a very special way of hooking, phishing people :
Submit 1 image and you will be declined ; but you will be able to have the others looking at your image, second hand to be screened at.
But, before that you have to comment other images ; until then, nothing very new but one soon discovers than paranoia and big brother is looking at you : first of all, English is compulsory, if you ever write with another language, your comment will be deleted, i f you write in English, every word will be scrutinized and if does not please the so called moderator (kevin ng chief of the guards) , it will be deleted...
But the very trick is : everybody (look at the forums) knows this situation, and everybody knows that images accepted are the will of the princes, but the more one is rejected, the more one is hooked...
So, photographers, if you like suffering, go and join the freaks out there !!!!!
There are so many good photo sites such as photo.net, pbase.com, fotocommunity.de, fotoblur etc.
F*** the moderators !!!!